Both the indoor and outdoor cameras will automatically switch to Infra-Red night vision mode when the environment becomes dark.
You may encounter two issues surrounding this automatic night vision mode:
1) The camera is placed near a television screen in a dark room. The light from the TV may confuse the camera by producing high and low light levels that change quickly. This will lead to a frequent clicking noise from the cameras as night vision turns on and off.
2) The camera is placed directly in front of a window. The reflection of the camera's IR lights on the glass may distort the image.
Both of these problems are resolved by disabling 'Automatic Camera IR' in each camera's settings page. This means the camera will no longer automatically activate IR mode. The other option is to move the cameras to a different location.
If you want to learn more about the camera's automatic IR (night vision) and camera placement, please click here.
Further Troubleshooting steps if your IR Night vision isn't turning on at night.
If you can't get your system to work in infra-red (IR) mode, then it may either be because
a) your camera's firmware is not the latest version, or
b) the night vision settings in the back end of the camera are not correct.
You may want to see this solution to check your camera's firmware and, if necessary, follow the steps to update it. When checking the camera's firmware version, you can also check the night vision settings. Below is how to check a camera's night vision settings through the camera's back end. Steps 1 - 3 below are the same as for checking a camera's firmware version.
3. The below screen will appear. Now press select the ‘Set Up’ tab at the top right.
5. You will then see the below screen. Please now press ‘Nightvision’, which you’ll find directly below the Playback Video tab in the middle of the screen.
- No tick in the ‘Turn off IR LED’ box
- Shift mode set to Auto
- Brightness set to 20.